
The Wicked Old Witch by Heather, aged 9 (c)1999

The wicked old witch Sat on her broom Across the sky Over the moon The wicked old vampire
Drank some blood Poor old woman That is no good The wicked old ghost Scared some people
Flew around the churchyard And over the steeple The wicked old devil Lured people to his lair
Don't go down there Unless you dare The wicked old monster Walked into a few hundred walls
Killed some people In their halls.


Welcome to my Halloween Homepage!!!!
Stay and haunt a while...
"Hey-Ho for Halloween,
When the witches are seen, Some black and some green, Hey-Ho for Halloween!"
Enjoy the site, and I hope
you'll come back soon!!!
The poem on this page was done by my younger daughter, many ago, but I did the drawings!!
(not the animations though)
Alison Beaumont
 Create your badge>
Come and visit my... HAUNTED HOUSE!!!!


Hallowe'en by Kathryn Jackson Isn't it fun To be looking so scary That you shiver and shake
In your boots - To be dressed up as witches Or scarecrows or ghosts Or in terrible Skeleton suits?
Isn't it fun With the dark trees all bare, And the frightened moon Staring between, To be out
in the night, And to be such a sight, When it's shivery Dark Hallowe'en?

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