WANTED - A WITCH'S CAT by Shelagh McGee Wanted - a witch's cat. Must have vigour and spite, Be expert
at hissing, And good in a fight, And have balance and poise On a broomstick at night. Wanted - a
witch's cat. Must have hypnotic eyes To tantalise victims And mesmerise spies, And be an adept At
scanning the skies. Wanted - a witch's cat, With a sly, cunning smile, A knowledge of spells And
a good deal of guile, With a fairly hot temper And plenty of bile. Wanted - a witch's cat, Who?ot
afraid to fly, For a cat with strong nerves The salarys high. Wanted - a witch's cat; Only the best need

FANCY DRESS PARTY by Kathryn Jackson 'You're Jack!' said a cat to a pirate bold. 'You're Jill!' said
Captain Jack. Then everyone guessed who everyone was - Except one little ghost at the back. One little ghost
who trailed along As friendly as he could be, But very hard to guess about - He was often so hard to see.
He wouldn't talk, that one little ghost, All he said was, 'Oooo! Oooo! Oooo!' And he didn't eat any kind of
treat, Which was most unusual, too. And when all the others took off their masks, All that little ghost did,
was steal Up the hill toward the haunted house - So maybe - he - really - was - real!

JOLLY JACK by Kathryn Jackson I'll make a jack-o'-lantern Of this pumpkin, round and big; With a carrot
for a nose, and Lots of parsley for a wig; He'll have two big leaves for ears, And a cut-out jolly grin,
To say to folks on Halloween, 'Hello there! Come on in!'

The Creepy Old Guy by Alison (c)2000 A creepy old guy comes down our
street He pretends to smile at the people he'd meet Behind his smile there's a sinister sneer A glint in his
eye is something quite queer If you should see the creepy old guy Cross over the street, don't catch his eye
Beware that smile, there's something within If you look quite close, it's a wicked grin So next time you're
out, look around everywhere In case the creepy old guy is standing there Don't go to the woods, he might follow
you Or take a friend, it's safer with two If you hear a cackle in the middle of night Your blood runs
cold, you quiver with fright It's the creepy old guy, he's somewhere about So stay in your house... Don't venture

GHOSTS by Eric Maple When goblins hunt and devils roar And witches meet on blasted heath And
bony hands knock on my door You'll hear the chatter of my teeth. When owls are hooting in the night And
ravens croak from leafless trees And ghosts come howling gleaming white You'll hear the knocking of my knees.
Of course, it's not that I'm afraid. It's just the way my bones are made.

WITCH GOES SHOPPING by Lilian Moore Witch rides off Upon her broom, Finds a space To park it.
Takes a shiny shopping cart Into the supermarket. Smacks her lips and reads The list of things she needs:
'Six bats' wings, Worms in brine, Ears of toads, Eight or nine. Slugs and bugs, Snake skins
dried, Buzzard innards, Pickled, fried.' Witch takes herself From shelf to shelf, Cackling all
the while, Up and down and up and down and In and out each aisle. Out come cans and cartons Tumbling to
the floor. 'This,' says Witch, now all a-twitch 'Is a crazy store. I CAN'T FIND A SINGLE THING I AM LOOKING

Alison (c) 2004
A hideous creature, Creature of the night, He'll
creep around To give you a fright.
know he's there, You'll smell him near, The stench from his feet, Will fill you with fear.
With hairy chest, And hairy back, His knees
do creak, His knees do crack.
face, Devious eyes, Stubbly chin, Fearful cries.
If you see him, Run away fast, The smell
he gives off, Will linger and last.
he'll go back into the night, On legs stumpy
and old, With his steely stare, From his eyes so cold.
For more information, and more pics, please visit my personal website!!