An ordinary house at dusk??? No, wait!! What is that ghostly face at the upstairs window??

Inside the house a Halloween party was in full swing! The children seem blissfully unaware of the uninvited guest upstairs!

Twighlight, and the party has ended, the last of the children just leaving, Clare and Heather, the two girls who live in the
house, decide to go out for a walk on their own, to an old, creepy churchyard... little did they know what would be in store
for them when they got there!!!! .

Oh No, what do they see??? It couldn't be... could it??? I shouldn't hang around there if I were you!!!!!!!!

Clare and Heather race home, and now the witching hour approaches... they are in their back garden...

They look up into the sky, and what do they see?? A witch flying past the moon on her broomstick!!!!!!! What a totally spooky
Halloween they have had!!